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Posts tagged “film

Sci-Fi Surrealism

Dali-inspired AT-AT tattoo by Jonathan at Old School Tattoo

Dali-inspired AT-AT by Paul at Old School Tattoo in Bellingham, Washington.

Really, this excellent piece by Paul at Old School Tattoo in Bellingham, Washington had me at “AT-AT,” but this collector’s idea to make it unique by incorporating elements of Salvador Dali’s recurring spindly-legged elephants is pretty awesome.

The Elephants, by Salvador Dali, c. 1948

The Elephants, by Salvador Dali, c. 1948

Quoth Dali, “I am painting pictures which make me die for joy, I am creating with an absolute naturalness, without the slightest aesthetic concern, I am making things that inspire me with a profound emotion and I am trying to paint them honestly.”

If you say so…

via ModBlog

How do I not find out about these things sooner?

Flickr member g.rohs pointed out the similarities between my new(ish) tattoo and the cover of seminal drone-doom band Earth‘s new(ish) album, The Bees Made Honey in the Lion’s Skull, featuring awesome artwork by Arik Roper.

Browsing Arik’s work led me to a movie poster for Tony Stone’s film, Severed Ways: The Norse Discovery of America:

OMG! Must… watch! As YouTube member jasonkollias comments,

This trailer makes me want to stand on top of a mountain and hurl thunderbolts at everything in sight. I want to rip the eyes from my own head and fight a bear. I want to burn a village while weeping and tear a giant wooden cross apart with my bare hands. I will name my son “severed ways” and he will kill me while I sleep.

What’s New?

Let’s see…

  • Hulk tattoo by In the Shadows Tattoo from flickrInk Nerd had a huge spike in unique visits last weekend, coinciding with opening weekend of The Incredible Hulk. Lots of people have Hulk tattoos on their minds, I guess… I found this one by Christiano at In the Shadows Tattoo (in Porto Alegre, Brasil) on flickr (there’s also another one in Devil Dinosaur’s Geek Tattoos group)! I haven’t seen the movie yet, but I really want to, despite the lackluster reviews. It’s such a great character; why is it so hard to make a good movie? Oh, well, maybe Ink Nerd will get another spike when it comes out on DVD!
  • I started a new job; it’s more of a corporate environment (not very punk rock, I’ve decided), so I haven’t felt comfortable baring my ink at work (also not punk rock). I haven’t seen ANY exposed tattoos on other employees, so I’m going to play it cool for now. Occasionally, my squares poke out from a rolled-up cuff, but I don’t think anyone has noticed. If they have, they probably think it’s a band-aid or something (I get that a lot… don’t ask me).
  • I saw an excellent dinosaur tattoo on a fellow straphanger this morning, but he was chatting up a young lady the whole time, so I didn’t want to butt in and ask him to be Random Encounters Part Deux. It was a small, colorful (green with purple markings, or vice versa) theropod, maybe an Ornithomimus, or perhaps a Dromiceiomimus. Very cool, from what I saw, stretching from mid-bicep down past the elbow. I would have liked to get a photo (or at least a better view), but alas, it was not to be. I’ll just have to keep my eyes open around the neighborhood so I can stalk him. I love it when I see dinosaur tattoos out in the world (especially of interesting species); they’re surprisingly few and far between on the web!
  • I’ve been trying to create a flattened out picture of my Triceratops tattoo using David Allen‘s Photoshop CS3 auto-align/blend trick, but I can’t get it to work right. I think I need to get someone else to take photos from different angles that don’t suck. If I ever figure it out, I’ll post the result here.